DIY poison Ivy Spray
It happened…
Molli was doing what any homesteading/homeschooler does and was outside being creative. We told her that she was allowed to use extra bits and pieces of things to build bird houses.
She had researched a bird species that she saw in the yard and made them two bird houses. She came up with some pretty awesome ideas and showcased them in the yard.
Pretty groovy, huh? I may be biased but I think they are the greatest bird houses, made by the greatest 10 year old, in the world. I think you would agree, right?
The next day she started complaining of an itchy rash- particularly small ones that were located on her inner thigh, face, and on one of her hands. I honestly didn’t think much of it. I just had her throw on some coconut oil and lavender essential oil (the cure-all oil) and called it a day…
Until the next day. She woke up and came downstairs into the kitchen where I was cooking breakfast. She was crying and her hand was swollen red (from her itching it). I took a closer look and BAM. I knew exactly what it was.
Poison Ivy.
Jax had gotten into poison ivy twice last year (kids will be kids), so I whipped up our essential oil recipe (aka poison ivy spray) for Molli’s poison ivy. I swear that this recipe is the MOST. AMAZING. POISON. IVY. NATURAL. TREATMENT. So much so that it requires me yelling.
Ahem- sorry about that.
You can really just get away with using one particular oil- the rest are an added bonus and I will list as optional. Booya.
Poison Ivy Spray
Contains 3 must-have ingredients and some optional ones
You Will Need:
– 2 oz Glass Amber Spray Bottle (we buy these packs of 6 for super cheap)
– Carrier Oil (we use fractionated coconut oil but you can use jojoba, olive oil, almond oil, etc)
– Witch Hazel (make sure the ingredients are 100% witch hazel- READ THE LABEL)
– 30 drops of the Joy Blend (buy on Amazon)
1. Put your essential oils into the 2 oz glass amber bottle.
2. Fill halfway with your carrier oil.
3. Fill the remainder of the way with witch hazel.
To Use:
Spray on poisin ivy (oak or sumac) three times a day. We do it after breakfast, lunch, and bedtime just because it is easy to remember!
Use until rash is gone + 3 days. For example, Molli’s rash went away after 4 days but we used for 7.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to replace or be construed as professional health advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or veterinarian before implementing or altering the diet of your backyard animals. The author assumes no responsibility for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed on this blog. If you are reading this for the purpose of making major financial or life decisions, please consult a professional before doing so. By reading and using my website, you are agreeing to my terms and conditions. Thanks y’all!