Homemade eczema cream

Whip it baby…

Whip it good…the homemade eczema cream that is!

When dealing with eczema you gotta make something fun, right? Because eczema is not fun at all. Not to this momma or her baby who suffers from it.

Nanette Lorraine was just cruisin’ along- being her crazy one-year old self- when BAM! Eczema slapped her in the face- or should I say stomach, thighs, and back of knees– to start with.


I knew what it was right off the bat because I have friend who’s kiddo suffered from it when he was younger. However, the “treatment” she used was a petroleum based product and that is no bueno in this house (read why HERE). Not to mention the other harmful ingredients in this popular “ointment/cream” stuff.

Mama here, wanted a homemade eczema cream that actually worked. So, I did what any homesteadin’ mama would do and concocted one myself, baby!

I whipped out my , shea buttercoconut oil, and my mixer along with the whisk attachment. The mixer isn’t necessary because you can totally make this by hand- with a little elbow grease. But, this mama wanted to whip it. Whip it good. Into shape. Dang, man. Every time I say “whip it” all I can think about is the 80s song ‘Whip It’ by Devo. For an awesomely quick reminder of this song watch the video HERE. ***WARNING- If you watch it, it will be stuck in your head for days.*** You’re welcome.

Nanette Lorraine helped me make her own homemade eczema cream (and she’s 1.5), so it’s super easy to make!

Whipped Homemade Eczema Cream 

You Will Need: 


  1. Add shea butter and coconut oil to mixing bowl. Mix on low until whipped (about 1-2 minutes). Note: I did have to stop it and use a spatula 2-3 times to get it off of the whisk because it is winter here and the shea butter and coconut oil is hard! 
  2. Mix well for 30 seconds.
  3. Voila! Done. Now you got your whipped homemade eczema cream, baby! Transfer to a container.

Directions for Use:

Apply to eczema 2-3 times a day.


If you have essential oils on hand you can add all or a combination of these:

Tips on Combatting Eczema:

– Keep the skin moisturized. We use raw shea butter and/or coconut oil in addition to the homemade eczema cream, if needed.

– We try to limit her baths (especially in the winter), but I told ya girl was cray-cray (and gets into everything- and we live on a farm) so sometimes this is hard to do.

– If using commercial dairy products cut them out. If we use raw milk products it tends to keep her eczema at bay. Somethin’ about that raw milk, baby!

– Refrain from using commercial detergents. They are no bueno- for the skin, body, earth, people, animals- you name it! Most are bad bad bad. We make our own 3 ingredient DIY powder laundry detergent because Nanette Lorraine is allergic to every commercial laundry detergent we tried back-in-the-day…not surprising.

If you, your kiddo(s), mama, daddy, cousin, neighbor, animals, sister, brother, etc suffers from eczema- this homemade eczema cream is a MUST TRY (and yes, that requires yelling!).

Booya! That’s it. And I promise you that this homemade eczema cream WORKS! 


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Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to replace or be construed as professional health advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or veterinarian before implementing or altering the diet of your backyard animals. The author assumes no responsibility for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed on this blog. If you are reading this for the purpose of making major financial or life decisions, please consult a professional before doing so. By reading and using my website, you are agreeing to my terms and conditions. Thanks y’all!

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