Essential Oils for Asthma
I never really understood asthma…until my husband had an asthma attack right in front of me.
I was terrified.
See, he had childhood asthma. I didn’t know him as a child and his asthma hadn’t affected him since he was a child. Until that frightful night.
He called me on his way home. He had pulled over. He couldn’t breathe. He could barely spit out the words he was trying to tell me. I honestly didn’t know what to do.
I text my sister-in-law. My nephew has asthma and I knew she would know what to do.
She did. She helped me through it.
And let me say thank God for her sweet sweet soul.
And I have so much empathy for any parent that has to watch their child suffer through an asthma attack. How awful. How frightening.
As soon as my husband got home I scrambled to get stuff together. I rubbed essential oils all over him, had him inhale the essential oils off of tissues, had him swallow a capsule of lemon-lavender-peppermint, and just relax. After about 10 minutes he began to feel better.
Longest 10 minutes of my life.
She mentioned that it is very common for asthma to reappear in adults (in their 30s) if they had childhood asthma.
Interesting. Something I never knew. Something we never knew.
The next morning I was determined to put together some essential oils for asthma that I thought would be effective during an asthma attack. I didn’t want to be in the frightened-scrambling-panicking mode if another attack happened again. I came up with three: a blend called the “respiratory” blend, cypress, and lavender mixed with a carrier oil.
And let me say that I am so thankful I did. Four days later he was doing work on the homestead…and he had another asthma attack.
It was bad. Vomiting and all.
I immediately sat him on the couch and whipped out my Natural Asthma Treatment- aka essential oils for asthma. I sprayed them on his back, chest, neck, and behind his ears. I also sprayed two sprays into a tissue and had him inhale them, as needed.
It worked!
Three Essential Oils for Asthma
Quick disclaimer: I am no doctor, so this is just from my own experience. Your results may vary, and you should most certainly check with a professional before administering anything health-related.
Breathe Blend– A proprietary respiratory essential oil blend that includes laurel leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemon, and ravensara. It cleans, clears, and soothes the airways.
Cypress: This oil is used to promote clear breathing and healthy respiratory function.
Lavender: This oil is used to promote rest, and relaxation, and has a calming effect.
You Will Need:
- 2oz glass amber spray bottle
- 3 Tablespoons Carrier Oil (we use fractionated coconut oil – you can also use almond oil, jojoba oil etc.)
- 20 drops Breathe Blend Essential Oil
- 10 drops Cypress Essential Oil
- 6 drops Lavender Essential Oil
Mix carrier oil and the essential oils for asthma in a glass bowl.
Transfer to spray bottle (we use a dropper for this).
When needed spray on chest, back, neck, and behind ears. Also spray onto tissue and inhale as needed.
*Note: you can also use a glass roller bottle or an empty essential oil bottle (that has been properly cleaned). Simply fill the container with your prepared mixture and secure the lid tightly to prevent leakage. This method works especially well for storing homemade creations like a DIY calendula salve recipe, as it keeps the product fresh and easy to apply. Remember to label your bottle or jar with the name and date to ensure proper use over time.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to replace or be construed as professional health advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or veterinarian before implementing or altering the diet of your backyard animals. The author assumes no responsibility for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed on this blog. If you are reading this for the purpose of making major financial or life decisions, please consult a professional before doing so. By reading and using my website, you are agreeing to my terms and conditions. Thanks y’all!